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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Steamed Pork Ribs with Salted Fish

Global Cuisine > Chinese > Steamed Pork Ribs with Salted Fish
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Preparation time : 15 minutes
Cooking time : 45 minutes

Serves 2-3

Ingredients :

300g Pork ribs (chopped into small pieces)
A knob of ginger (peeled and sliced)
A matchbox slice of salted fish (soaked to remove salty)
1 teaspoon cornflour
Dash of sesame oil
Chinese cooking wine
Oyster sauce and soy sauce

Method :

1. Season the pork ribs with one teaspoon of cornflour, dash of sesame oil, pepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce and Chinese cooking wine. Leave aside to marinade for at least half an hour.

2. Stir fry garlic and ginger with a little oil.

3. Place pork in a steaming plate, pat to flattened.

4. Add fried garlic, ginger, a little boit of sesame oil and salted fish on top the pork ribs.

5. Steam for about 45 minutes until the pork ribs meat tender.

6. Ready for serve.

Global Cuisine > Chinese > Steamed Pork Ribs with Salted Fish
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