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Monday, May 11, 2009

Fried Rice With Egg

Global Cuisine > Chinese > Fried Rice With Egg
70 of 177 < prev next >

Preparation time : 5 minutes
Cooking time : 5 minutes

Serves 2-3

Ingredients :

1 dessertspoon peanut oil
4-6oz. cold boiled rice
2 medium onions(finely chopped)
225g cooked ham (finely chopped)
Pinch each salt and Ve-Tsin (Monosodium glutamate )
1/2 teaspoon soy sauce
1 egg
2 tablespoons cooked peas

Method :

1. Heat the oil in the frying-pan. Add the cold boiled rice with the back of a large spoon or ladle, break up any lumps to separate the grains and coat them with the oil.

2. Stir in the seasoning and soy sauce.

3. Add the onions, ham and cook them for 1 minute.

4. Add the peas and cook further just long enough to heat them through. Set aside.

5. Pour the egg into frying pan and cook (half cooked). Transfer to the fried rice and ready for serve.

Global Cuisine > Chinese > Fried Rice With Egg
70 of 177 < prev next >


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